WCCE 2022
World Conference on Computers in Education
August 2022
Hiroshima, Japan
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/wcce2022
The ‘Zanzibar Declaration’ (ZD) focuses
on future challenges that arise from rapidly emerging technologies impacting societies and communities. A series of four webinars
explored these challenges and propose approaches to address them.
OCCE 2020 - IFIP TC3 Open Conference
on Computers in Education
"Empowering teaching
for digital equity and agency"
6th to 8th January, 2020
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India
Working conference on Sustainable ICT, Education and Learning
25th – 27th April, 2019, in Zanzibar, Tanzania
The working conference gathered about 40 participants from different continents and included 28 session paper presentations.
Open Conference on Computers in Education
in Linz, Austria.
Participation in the Austrian Panel on ICT and Vocational Education.
World Conference on Computers in Education: WCCE2017 in Dublin, Ireland, Symposium ICT4D,
Education and Sustainable Development.
SaITE 2016
Stakeholders and Information Technology in Education in Guimarães, Portugal, Symposium Stakeholders of Education on ICT4D: Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals.