The IFIP TC3 Task Force on the Curriculum was established in July 2014 in response to calls for change in the curriculum for Computers Science/Informatics. The Task Force has been working to analyse and research key issues and considerations for the curriculum and to make recommendations for curriculum design and implementation. This work is summarised in a short report which was accepted by the IFIP General Assembly and several other papers – see below.
Recently our work has also focused on Advances in Conceptualizing, Developing, and Assessing Computational Thinking.
Angeli, C., J. Voogt, J. Malyn-Smith, M. E. Webb, A. Fluck, M. Cox and J. Zagami (2016). "A K-6 Computational Thinking Curriculum Framework: Implications for Teacher Knowledge." Education Technology and Society 19(3): 47-57, available at:
Fluck, A., M. E. Webb, M. Cox, C. Angeli, J. Malyn-Smith, J. Voogt and J. Zagami (2016).
"Arguing for Computer Science in the School Curriculum." Education Technology and Society 19(3): 38-46, available at:
Webb, M., N. Davis, T. Bell, Y. J. Katz, N. Reynolds, D. P. Chambers and M. M. Sysło (2017). "Computer science in K-12 school curricula of the 2lst century: Why, what and when?" Education and Information Technologies 22(2): 445-468, available at: