The Working group is involved in TC3 and IFIP events yearly, organizing workshops or symposia, and participating in paper sessions in conferences.
Talk about historical facts of the evolution of WG 3.4 - related conference papers
OCCE 2024 – IFIP TC3 Open Conference on Computers in Education:
Digitally Transformed Education: Are We There Yet?
27 February – 1 March 2024, Bournemouth, UK
WCCE 2022
World Conference on
Computers in Education, 20-24, Aug, 2022 in Hiroshima
OCCE2021 DTEL Digital Transformation of Education and Learning - Past, Present and Future The Open Conference on Computers and Education was held in Tampere, Finland 17 to 20 August 2021, as a hybrid conference.
OCCE 2020 Mumbai, India, January 6 to 8, 2020
The working conference on Sustainable ICT, Education and Learning in Zanzibar, Tanzania.
Open Conference on Computers in Education in Linz, Austria. Participation in the Austrian Panel on ICT and Vocational Education.
World Conference on Computers in Education: WCCE2017 in Dublin, Ireland, Symposium ICT4D, Education and Sustainable Development.
SaITE 2016
Stakeholders and Information Technology in Education in Guimarães, Portugal, Symposium Stakeholders of Education on ICT4D: Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals.
2014. Key Competencies in ICT and Informatics. Potsdam, Germany.
2012. Open and Social Technologies for Networked Learning Tallin, Estonia.
2004. Information and Communication Technologies and Real-Life Learning. Melbourne, Australia.
2003. E-Training Practices for Professional Organisations. Pori, Finland.
1996. The Place of Information Technology in Management and Business Education . Melbourne, Australia.